Friday, March 7, 2008

Granholm's Gaffe

Governor Granholm would not pay for $10 million Michigan re-do
neither would national party

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean is urging Michigan and Florida party officials to come up with plans to repeat their contests so state delegates can be counted in the close race.

Governor Granholm said she does not disagree, but "it would have to be a primary-like election, probably on a Saturday."

Granholm also told WJR radio in Detroit that the tab for a May or June election run by the Michigan Democratic Party could approach $10 million. She warned the cost and logistics could be insurmountable.

The Democratic National Committee stripped Michigan of all 156 delegates to the national convention as punishment for moving its primary to Jan. 15 in violation of party rules.

Governor Granholm is backing Hillary Clinton, whose campaign long has called for the Jan. 15 results to be honored. Barack Obama's campaign opposes that.

Of course she is.

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